Welcome to The Nish: Things Only StFX Students Understand

StFX has many traditions and special characteristics that make the school unique. I grew up in Ontario, where many of my friends went to larger universities and stayed within the province. When I was looking at universities, what drew me to StFX was its small classes, the small town, and the close-knit community—things that weren’t like other schools in Ontario. Truly, it sounded like a place that was the opposite of where my peers were going, and now that I am finishing off my second year here, I was right. I have come across many places, people, and things specific to this school that I know would surprise anyone who doesn’t go to X—especially students at other universities. So, here are five specific places and things that only StFX students will understand about X.  


  1. X-Ring.

Most notably, the ring of recognition for completing a degree at StFX is a large contributor in making this school what it is. I cannot think of any other school that has a ring that is a milestone for students. Like most students at X, I am counting down the days until I get mine.


2. The One and Only (Literally): Piper’s Pub.

There’s a reason the Pub is always so busy: It’s because it's the only off-campus pub in town. However, there are Pub lovers and haters, so whatever your stance is I support it because I’ve had some great and not-so-great times at the Pub. Despite mixed opinions, the Pub is one of the only gathering spots off-campus and I believe it's one of the many reasons StFX is as close-knit of a community as it is. 


3. Crows.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: Antigonish just has a lot of crows. I know that any other school in a city would not be accustomed to the surplus of crows that swoop over our campus. Despite their high population on our campus, the crows (no matter how noisy they are) make StFX a place like no other.  


4. 4:30 Dome.

“Hey, want to go to 4:30 dome?” was a question I got asked throughout my first year at X. In fact, it became less of a question and more of a routine during my year living in residence. I know for myself and many others, meal hall was a place where many memories were made whether it was for “4:30 dome” or for Friday night recaps on Saturday mornings. If you ask any non-StFX students about “4:30 dome” they will probably think you are referring to The Dome Nightclub in Halifax or they will think you are crazy. Regardless, they will probably think you are crazy because no one goes to The Dome Nightclub at 4:30 pm.


5. Kenny’s vs. The Wheel

There has been a long debate over which local pizza joint is the best, but truly, they are both good in their different ways. If you ask any StFX student which pizza joint is the best, you will come across a variety of answers. But between me and you, I am (and always will be) a fan of The Wheel.


I could go on and on about what makes StFX so special and, truly, a place like no other. Because really, what other university has the third most well-recognized ring in the world, a crow population that (almost) outnumbers its student population, and has an ongoing, heated debate over two local pizza places? That’s right, nowhere. Despite discovering many of the places and things that most students at X have learned about, I am still learning about the little things that make this place unique. If you, too, are still learning, I hope this list could make you laugh, learn or that it could be a relatable source of life at X—welcome to the Nish.