Hockey Gives Blood Comes to StFX

A wonderful non-profit organization called Hockey Gives Blood has recently been established here at STFX. It’s partnered with Canadian Blood Services, and their goal is to raise awareness about blood and stem cell donations. The organization believes that athletes in the hockey community should give back and believe in social and community responsibility.

It is no secret that giving blood saves lives, and X-Woman Anna MacCara, helping to establish Hockey Gives Blood here at STFX wanted to do just that. She says that she, “wanted to be a part of something that would make a difference in someone’s life.” In a small town like Antigonish, this could be huge. Anna also says that, “the organization has made significant impacts on communities” and that she’s, “looking to continue that on campus and in Antigonish.”

Just recently on November 5th, there was a Hockey Gives Blood night right here at STFX, which was a game versus Mount Allison University, where our incredible X-Women helped to raise awareness about donating blood, and to give information about how to become a donor.

Xaverians are doing amazing things, and contrary to popular misconception, you can look no further than our small town of Antigonish for many opportunities, such as saving lives and giving blood.