Meet Maddie Kwan: StFX Intramurals Marketing and Social Media Coordinator

Intramurals are a great way to get involved around campus, from hockey to basketball to water-polo, there is a little bit of something for everyone. Maddie Kwan is from Hong Kong and is a third-year student in Human Kinetics and Sports Management. She is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for XREC Intramurals. Maddie says, “she believes intramurals are just awesome for staying active, social, getting involved in the community here at X and taking a break from one’s studies,” and I think many would agree with her.

Maddie’s main goal for her role at StFX is to “promote participation amongst all StFX students in Intramurals by managing our social media platforms and beyond.” Her job requires much creativity, management, and organization. Maddie says that on a typical day she will “edit, caption and post daily games schedules, the various activities, registration posters and pretty much all other content related to XREC and Intramurals.” She also says that her role “involves a great deal of photography and videography.” With this come a few challenges, saying “I sometimes find it challenging working in such a creative and artistic job as it is something you really need to be in the mood for (with all the creative juices flowing). However, most of the time it’s still such a unique way for me to express myself!” Although at times challenging, there are many rewards. Maddie says she enjoys how it allows her to meet students from different programs and years that she wouldn’t have crossed paths with before.

According to Maddie there is lots to look forward to in the upcoming year. She says “this year we are bringing back our flag football league, which was unfortunately postponed for the past two years due to COVID. It used to hold great popularity back in its day and is sure to be an exciting event for everyone! We will be hosting two leagues for this - a men’s and women’s league which will take place on weeknights!” She also highlighted another event that has come back post-covid, “last weekend, we also hosted another event put on hold for the past two years and that was our Annual Alumni Homecoming Fun Run. It was super cool to see a huge array of individuals from varying StFX graduating classes all dedicated to coming together for this epic event on homecoming morning!”

Maybe surprising, or perhaps not, Maddie’s favorite sport is innertube water polo, saying “It’s pretty much all laughs in the pool with your friends. It’s hilarious to see everyone flipping over in their tubes, splashing about, and getting super competitive and into the game.” Maddie says she hopes to get as involved as possible this year and to try new things she has never tried before. She states that no matter what your preference may be, you should get involved, “Intramurals create this stress-free, non-judgmental environment where everyone can get involved no matter their background is as long as they are simply a student of StFX. I don’t think I have ever thrown a football in my life. However, I’ve gathered a group of buddies for our flag football league and know even if we don’t win the league - it’s going to be a good time guaranteed!”

Maddie has also taken on a new role as the social media lead for motionball at StFX. She explains that there are many similarities between motionball and intramurals as they both are about promoting and creating opportunities in sports and activity. Motionball is targeted towards bringing together people from the Special Olympics community with members of the Antigonish community. Maddie says to look out for a few things they have coming up this year including #NoGoodWay Day taking place November 16th, this raises awareness and educates people on the inappropriateness of the “R” word.

Lastly, Maddie mentioned “getting involved with the StFX community by means of work experiences and involvement in societies has changed my entire experience at StFX. It’s given me a great sense of purpose and belonging in being able to combine my love of recreation and physical activity towards a greater community. To anyone considering joining a new club or society at X, I’d say GO FOR IT - you will have no regrets! The worst thing that could happen is you meet some cool and interesting people and learn so much from the exciting new experiences you immerse yourself in.”