An Interview with Katia Beales-Salovitch , Candidate for First Year Representative

Editor-in-Chief Will Fraser sat down with each of the candidates for 2020-2021 First Year Representative.

Candidate: Katia Beales-Salovitch
Slogan: A voice for you. 

WF: Tell us a bit about yourself and why you decided to run. 

So, I'm Katia, I'm originally from New Jersey, but I live in South Carolina now. My mom went to X so that's what drew me to the school to begin with. I'm a business student, and I'm minoring in political science. I plan when I graduate to go into politics. So, when I saw this opportunity, I jumped at it.  

WF: Can you tell us what the job of first year rep involves? 

The job of the first-year rep is really about advocating for the first-year reps, you know, every year, there'll be different issues and different things that come up in discussions. So, it's just making sure that you are making decisions and speaking on behalf of the class and not just you know, your personal opinions. 

WF: What is your platform? 

My platform this year is "a voice for you." and what this means to me is making sure like I said in the previous question, really making decisions and speaking on behalf of the class, far too many times this role is used as a way for, you know, someone to make their own personal decisions on what they think is best and I'm really about my platform is really about making sure everyone in our class as many as possible, you know, can really get their opinions and their ideas out during our first years, students here at X. 

WF: If you can only accomplish one thing on your platform, which would it be? 

If I can accomplish one thing, it would really be about the main point of my agenda, which is a voice for you. My goal is, if I'm elected to, to hear out as many first years as possible, whether that be in person, you know, COVID-19, it's a little hard so that'd be in person or on social media or, you know, through email or whatever. To really just get to know first-years and see what they want to accomplish this year. You know, of course, every person has a different idea. So, you know, to get a cohesive conclusion of what everyone wants to accomplish is my goal. 

WF: The Students’ Union has historically been criticized for being elitist. How will you make The U more open and approachable to students? 

Especially nowadays inclusivity is a huge deal, especially to me personally, I think that constantly working on making not only the Student Union, but you know, our class, our school and, you know, everything on campus as inclusive as possible is always a constant goal that we should be working on, and with my platform a voice for you, I think that part of that is, you know, being inclusive, not just listening to people that I personally hang out with, or see on a daily basis or have in my classes, but, you know, see the person that I normally would never come across on campus and listening to what they have, I don't want to just listen to people that have the same opinions as me. If not, you know, that would just be my agenda I want, I genuinely want to hear everyone out because I think that's the best way we can come up with ideas and goals that we want to accomplish, just, you know, sometimes other people that you wouldn't even think to talk to, you have some of the greatest ideas. And that's something that I just really want to focus on this year, and make sure that everyone's included, and not just me, or, you know, whoever wins for sure, not just us, you know, kind of thing. 

WF: What do you think of StFX’s handling of COVID-19? What would you change? 

It's a great question. So, I'm from the States. So definitely, COVID-19 is way worse there and it's not being handled the best, most of my friends are having to be sent home from college, which is not the best scenario, especially because most of my friends are first years, I think StfX is handling it honestly, so good. You know, we're one of the only schools that is in person at all, let alone we have no cases so far, which is, you know, amazing. We've all been able to, you know, still socialize, and, you know, following the COVID guidelines and all that and we've also still got to, you know, participate in all these great things, there's been so many volunteering, there's been hikes and stuff, you know, I think, I really do think X has done a great job and the only thing that I would push to find out soon is what, you know, Christmas break and second semester is going to be this year, you know, I know, that's a lot of stress on people's minds, and, you know, with plans and just, you know, the second semester in general. So, I definitely would want to find out as soon as possible, what that entails and, you know, what are what are the options for that? 

WF: Looking at the other candidates, why should first-years vote for you over them? 

I really do think all of our candidates this year would do an amazing job. They're all so nice, and, you know, awesome people that I've really been grateful to get to know, these people, like I said, I would never have talked to outside of this. So, it's really awesome that I've gotten to do that and that's exactly what I hope for of I become first-year to just meet more people just like this. I think that my experience in high school will really help me with this role. I've had a lot of leadership experience, you know, being president and being on other members of executive teams for my high school and leadership activities. I have a huge passion for this, it's not just something that is a fun thing for me, I really do love it. And it's something that I want to do, you know, this is what I want to do as my career. So, I put a lot of focus into this and a lot of time and effort into this. So, I think that although my other candidates are great, because my passion is so huge for this, I will be spending so much time and you know, my mind will really be focused on this throughout the year. 

WF: If you were to lose the election, which candidate do you hope would win? 

If I lose the election, I hope that whichever candidate people, you know, connect with the most, of course, I want to win, you know, anyone that's running wants to win, but I really do want all the first years that decide to vote to vote for who they think is best. You know, of course, everyone has friends and, you know, you know, people from this that are the other thing, but I think everyone should vote for who they think is going to do the best job and who lines up with what they want to do the best. I think everyone has their personal opinion, and I hope whoever, I really do hope whoever gets the most votes, and whoever people align with the most wins, and that will do the best job for our first year because it's my first year as well. So, I really do want any of the four of us to succeed. 

WF: Anything else you’d like to say to first-years? 

I want to say that I know this year is not the most conventional year with COVID-19. But, you know, we just got to take it day by day and you know, the stresses will go away, hopefully soon. 

And, you know, to keep their heads up and within this election, like I said, you know, vote for who you personally think will do the best for you. If that's me, great and if not, that's totally okay. My campaign is about a voice for you because I want to listen to everyone's opinions and have conversations and, you know, really make this year about all of us as it should be, you know, we're all first year it's not just me, so I hope that if I'm elected, I get to meet as many of you guys and, 

you know, have conversations with you, whether that be about student union business or not. 

But you know, please feel free even after the election to direct message me on my Instagram or Snapchat me or email me or whatever, ask me or talk to me about anything.