Backyard Astronomy

Seeing double is never a good thing and a sign to seek medical attention; however, double stars can be a thing of beauty. Some stars that appear as a single point of light to the unaided eye are in fact, double when magnified with binoculars or a telescope. Optical doubles are two stars that appear close together only by line of sight with no physical attraction to each other. Visual binaries are two or multiple stars that physical orbits each other taking a few days to years to complete an orbit.

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If the geometry is just right, one of the binary stars passes in front of the other and we can see a lowering of the overall brightness for a short time period. These are eclipsing binaries such as the star Algol, the Demon Star, located in the constellation Perseus located in the North East. With binoculars and a bit of practice, you can witness the subtle change in brightness every 2.8 days as the main star dims for about ten hours.

Stars come in an array of colours and can be quite evident in some doubles. Their colour is an indication of surface temperature as all stars burn differently. On the left side of the spectrum, we have the hot blue and blue-white stars that burn at more than 30,000 degrees Celsius. The scale then moves down to green, yellow, orange to the far right side where we find the cooler red ones burning around 2,500 degrees Celsius. For reference, our sun is a yellow star with a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius.

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One of the best examples of contrasting colours in a double is the star Albireo found at the head of Cygnus the Swan now located in the North West sky. Using a telescope operating at 60 power, you will see a bright golden-yellow star next to a dimmer blue sun. The two are about 430 light-years from Earth and might take as long as 100,000 years to orbit each other.

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Since these are points of light and not faint galaxies or gaseous nebula requiring dark observing sites away from light pollution, double stars can be enjoyed from the city or suburb. Sometime the beauty and challenge is to split the close together; high magnification might not even separate them into individual components. And no two doubles appear alike but seeing them with your eyes is a unique experience.

Till next time, clear skies. 

Known as “The Backyard Astronomer”, Gary Boyle is an astronomy educator, guest speaker and monthly columnist for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He has been interviewed on more than 50 Canadian radio stations and local Ottawa TV. In recognition of his public outreach in astronomy, the International Astronomical Union has honoured him with the naming of Asteroid (22406) Garyboyle. Follow him on Twitter: @astroeducator or his website:



Backyard Astronomy


Stargazing the Gemini Twins

Castor and Pollux are bright stars belonging to the constellation Gemini and are part of the dozen bright stars that light up the winter sky. They represent the heads of the twin which were actually half brothers as stated in mythology. Located 34 light years away, Pollux is a magnitude 1.14 orange coloured star, It has a diameter of 9 or 10 times that of our sun with a surface temperature of  5 000 C and cooler than our Sun’s 5 600 C.

This star seems to have an outer corona comparable to our sun. The exoplanet Pollux b resides 1.6 astronomical units from the parent star and takes 1.6 years to complete a circular orbit.

To the upper right of Pollux we find Castor. This white coloured spectral class A1 star shines at magnitude 1.58 and is located 52 light years from us. With a surface temperate about twice that of Pollux, Castor is a collection of three pairs of stars in a very unique dance. A telescope will show Castor’s close companion with both components Castor A & B are themselves doubles and possess a mysterious third double companion. Although components A & B orbit each other in 445 years, component C orbits A & B every 14 000 years.

One of the best examples of an open cluster is M35. Found near Castor’s foot, this group of 200 stars glows at magnitude 5.2 and is a fantastic object in binoculars. When viewed with a telescope, the tiny cluster NGC 2158 is now revealed. M35 is located 2 800 light years away while smaller NGC 2158 is four times farther from us.



The brilliant duo of planets Venus and Jupiter continues as Venus (brighter and left side of the two) keeps sinking to the south-eastern horizon on its way to rounding the sun in its orbit. Venus passed the planet Saturn on the morning of  February 18. Jupiter on the other hand was steadily climbing higher and rose just before 4 am on February 1 and after 2 am on February 28. 

Mars is still visible low in the western sky after dark moving from Aries to Taurus and is much fainter than its summer time show. It passed one degree north of the planet Uranus on February 13.

Known as “The Backyard Astronomer,” Gary Boyle is an astronomy educator, guest speaker and monthly columnist for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He has been interviewed on more than 50 Canadian radio stations and local Ottawa TV. In recognition of his public outreach in astronomy, the International Astronomical Union has honoured him with the naming of Asteroid (22406) Garyboyle. Follow him on Twitter @astroeducator or his website


Lunar Eclipse Atlantic Times


All times are local for January 20 & 21


Partial umbral eclipse begins: 11:34 p.m. (January 20). The moon begins to enter the shadow.

Total lunar eclipse begins: 12:41 a.m. (January 21).

Greatest eclipse: 1:12 a.m. (January 21).

Total lunar eclipse ends: 1:43 a.m. (January 21).

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 2:51 a.m. (January 21). The moon completely exits the shadow.

New Brunswick

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 11:34 p.m. (January 20). The moon begins to enter the shadow.

Total lunar eclipse begins: 12:41 a.m. (January 21).

Greatest eclipse: 1:12 a.m. (January 21).

Total lunar eclipse ends: 1:43 a.m. (January 21).

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 2:51 a.m. (January 21). The moon completely exits the shadow.

Prince Edward Island

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 11:34 p.m. (January 20).The moon begins to enter the shadow.

Total lunar eclipse begins: 12:41 a.m. (January 21).

Greatest eclipse: 1:12 a.m. (January 21) Total lunar eclipse ends: 1:43 a.m. (January 21).

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 2:51 a.m. (January 21). The moon completely exits the shadow.

Nova Scotia

Partial umbral eclipse begins: 11:34 p.m. (January 20). The moon begins to enter the shadow.

Total lunar eclipse begins: 12:41 a.m. (January 21).

Greatest eclipse: 1:12 a.m. (January 21).

Total lunar eclipse ends: 1:43 a.m. (January 21).

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 2:51 a.m. (January 21). The moon completely exits the shadow.


Partial umbral eclipse begins: 12:03 a.m. (January 21). The moon begins to enter the shadow.

Total lunar eclipse begins: 1:11 a.m. (January 21).

Greatest eclipse: 1:42 a.m. (January 21).

Total lunar eclipse ends: 2:13 a.m. (January 21).

Partial umbral eclipse ends: 3:20 a.m. (January 21). The moon completely exits the shadow.