March 2023 Horoscopes


March 21-April 20th

This is a happy and eventful month ahead, with the potential for long-term changes happening! Overall, this month is your yearly personal pleasure peak, where love, money, creative and social opportunities are coming your way. Furthermore, there are many creative breakthroughs and possible supernatural experiences. This month also holds your independence peak, where any decisions you make should be made for you and not for others.



April 21st-May 20th

This month holds transformative opportunities for your career and work life. With these career changes also come changes in your social and love life. The month ahead is a social month, with opportunities to build friendships and networking opportunities in both your social circle and career circle.



May 21st-June 20th

This month is successful, the effort you have been putting into your work is finally paying off. Despite no major changes, this month is one of your strongest financial periods this year. Additionally, this month is social, with many opportunities to build on friendships and love.



June 21st-July 20th

March is a busy month! Despite this, any of the social or love-related stress you have been feeling will be reduced. This month is also your yearly career peak, with the possibility of promotions, pay increases or recognition for your hard work. Overall, this month proves to be successful in both your career and social life.



July 21st-August 21st

Your intuition is running high this month. Specifically, you make good, focused decisions regarding your finances–this will pay off! This month presents the possibility for changes in your finances and your social circle after Mercury’s solstice–there will be a pause and a shift.



August 22nd-September 22nd

This month holds many changes for you! Furthermore, this month is your yearly love and social peak, but it is important to focus on the quality rather than the number of people you let into your life this month. This month is important for personal transformation and for making progress in yourself and your social circle.



September 23rd-October 22nd

Many important events are happening this month. Specifically, concerning your family and career, there are changes. This month also holds your yearly love and social peak, having many opportunities–social and romantic. There will be new people, relationships and clarity in friendships and relationships this month.



October 23rd-November 22nd

This month will provide clarity. Any issues involving health and career will become more focused and clear, allowing you to clear up anything that needs to be resolved. There will be many networking opportunities for your career, and possible promotions and pay raises in the career.



November 23rd-December 20th

There will be many changes this month. Specifically, your health, family and love spheres will be of importance and need attention. After Mercury’s solstice, there will be a pause and a shift of direction in your life and career. For many of you, this month will be a personal pleasure peak!



December 21st-January 19th

This is an eventful month ahead! It is a great time to start any new projects or any tasks you have been putting off. For students, this month will bring success and enjoyment in your studies. Furthermore, there is an emphasis on the home and family life; however, there will be a success in your career of studies despite this focus on the family.



January 20th-February 18th

This month, any stress you have been feeling regarding money, health and energy will be improved. Furthermore, this month will bring about a personal transformation that will last for the next several years. Additionally, you are at a yearly financial peak, which brings strong finances and success for those who are students.



February 19th-March 20th

This month is eventful, as you are in a yearly personal pleasure peak and financial peak! Additionally, this is a good month for love. There are many romantic and financial opportunities for you this month. Overall, the month ahead is extremely prosperous.